Friday, January 20, 2012

TasTEA Time! Peace tea Imported Ceylon Tea

What:  Cheap tea

Where:  USA

Why Should I Care:  Because it's 99 cents and has real sugar and tea.  Really that's it.  I forgot to make a pot of tea in the morning and made some coffee instead but being the addict that I am, I needed to get some tea from the 7/11 by school.  Peace Tea is particularly nice if only because it is the same price as Arizona but actually has sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup.

Packaging:  It's the same type and size can as Arizona but has more hippies on the front (and sides)

Non-Taste Senses:  Looks like tea and smells like tea

Taste:  I actually like it more than Snapple (which is more expensive).  It's not great, the tea is a bit weak and the clarity of Ceylon doesn't come through that well but it tastes like real tea and it tastes like real sugar (the fake stuff tends to taste a bit more syrup-y and has this weird aftertaste).  It's a touch too sweet but I like my things less sweet than more and it doesn't need watered down like Snapple does.

Overall:  Comparing it to Arizona, this is why Peace Tea is better:
-Real Tea
-Real Sugar
-Funky Can
-Just as big and cheap
So there you go

My Rating:  Buy it!  Here's the site.

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