Monday, January 16, 2012

Soda Pop! Cascal Berry Casis

What:  Fermented Soda with blackcurrant, tangerine and lemon.

Where:  California

Why Should I care:  For some reason, this seems a lot more mainstream than their other sodas (which tend to have some kind of flower in their flavor profiles).  Blackcurrant is a little questionable but everyone knows what tangerine and lemon are.  I also thought it was called "Berry Crisis".

Packaging:   It's just a boring aluminum can.

Non-Taste Senses:  It's pinkish and smells slightly berry-ish.

Taste:  This has stevia in it.  It's something I noticed in the mango one but was willing to put asside, but that Stevia extract is the lone factor that turns this from a good drink to something that I can't completely recommend.  Here's the thing.  I have the bottles still.  They have 70 calories per bottle for a drink that is a less sweet version of a soda.  Yeah, you only have 60 calories in these cans but it doesn't have that "clear" taste.  Stevia leaves this sweet aftertaste in my mouth which makes me want to eat something or more likely, drink something else.  If I ignore that, which is difficult, it really is great.  The citrus cuts the sweetness of the berry to give it this perfect balance.  It's not overly sweet, it would go great with meat but nooooooo, we need to make it sweeter.

Overall:  I guess I'm disappointed but I honestly can't give it a pass.  It's worth a try and if you can get it cheap, I'd recommend trying all the flavors.

My Rating:  Try it!  Here's the site.

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