Saturday, January 21, 2012

Soda Pop! Cascal Fine Dark

What:  Fermented Soda with hints of Malt and Honey

Where:  California

Why Should I Care:  So, I got a four-pack of this (and the apple one) when it was almost expired.  That was about four months ago.  Granted, I had this back then and I hope the only thing that has changed is that there's less carbonation.  Cascal is a soda that tastes very simular to a wine except it's non-alcoholic and doesn't have the sweetness of sparkling juices.  I actually do enjoy these in between teas for those reasons although the new ones drop the ball by adding Stevia to it (which leaves an aftertaste as opposed to leaving a nice clean palate).  So, what do I think about the Fine Dark with its hints of Malt and Honey (more of a beer rip-off than wine but I actually prefer a good beer to cheap wine).

Packaging: It's in a glass bottle, adding to the sophistication.  It also has a twist-off cap.

Non-Taste Senses:  It's kind of this dark amber/light brown color with a slight murkiness to the liquid.  You can smell the honey pretty strongly

Taste:  I'd like to say it's aged to perfection, but it really could use a bit more carbonation.  I'm actually a huge fan of the mixture of honey and malt, which gives it a slightly heartier taste while still having a lightness with the carbonation.  Also, this tastes so much better without the Stevia.  It's still sweet but it's not overly sweet.  If you're going to serve it (especially if it's four months past expiration), you need to serve it cold.

Overall:  Why'd you have to get rid of this flavor, Cascal?  It's good and I highly recommend people try it if you can find it somehow.  Or write them and tell them to bring it back.  I can't recommend this for everyone, but it's pretty fantastic.

My Rating:  Try it!  Here's the site!

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